DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Game-Changers: How Africa is Transitioning into Financial Technology

The rapid urbanisation, technological and economic growth seen in Africa is exceedingly going digital, opening up a successfully secured venture into e-commerce technological investments.
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2. CIO Names #WOMENINTECH Sophia Bekele, “Industry Trailblazer and

Internet-Governance Pioneer

Sophia Bekele has been in the news if not for promoting DotConnectAfrica’s bid for the DotAfrica geographical gTLD then in a controversial statement about the same. For the last 3 years she has been clear about one thing, DotConnectAfrica (DCA) is better positioned to manage the DotAfrica domain and they have put in a strong bid for the same.
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3. How Does African Content Rank on Google?

Almost all internet searches in Africa bring up only results from the US and France. Only eight countries in Africa have a majority of content that is locally produced.
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4. Analysing Nigeria’s Tech Start-up Ecosystem

For startups, Lagos, Africa’s largest city, appears to be a land of promise with its huge addressable population of over 20 million people and a tech ecosystem that’s bursting with energy and dynamism.
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5. Africa’s digital rise hooked on innovation

When the world was changing from mechanical and analogue technology to digital electronics four decades ago, Africa was nowhere on the scene. Currently, Africa has largely been able to catch up with other regions in mobile phone use and internet access, successfully sidestepping the era of desktop computers and landlines.
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6. Ethiopia aims to become Africa’s biggest manufacturing hub

Ethiopia is working to become Africa’s biggest manufacturing hub in about a decade’s time. The country’s Investment Commission says a plan that started out as a hub for light-manufacturing plants has grown into one of leading manufacturing projects on the continent.
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7. Women train drivers trained in China to operate SGR

And now for the next installment of our special series ahead of the launch of Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway. Several Kenyan women train drivers have been sent to China to learn how to operate the SGR. They’re back now, and four of them will be driving the train on launch-day.
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