Giving one million Africans a digital future

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: How Africa can drive youth entrepreneurship through Tech

1. How Africa can drive youth entrepreneurship through Tech

On the side-lines of the ongoing 2018 Annual Meetings of AfDB, Founder and CEO of Rwandan Tech Solutions Provider, DMM.HEHE, Clarisse Iribagiza, spoke to CNBC Africa on how Africa can drive youth entrepreneurship through ICT

2. Engineers seek to develop ethically designed tech for Africa

African consumers will soon be able to interact more with ethically designed technologies as engineers step up engagement with policy makers in the continent.










3. Mary Meeker’s 2018 internet trends report: All the slides, plus analysis

It’s that time of year again, when Mary Meeker unloads her highly anticipated internet trends report for the Code Conference crowd in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. This year, the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers partner released 294 slides in rapid succession, covering everything from smartphone behavior in the U.S. to tech company competition in China..
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4.  Navigating the risks of artificial intelligence and machine learning in low-income countries

TAI and ML have huge promise, but they also have limitations. By nature, they learn from and mimic the status quo — whether or not that status quo is fair or just. We’ve seen AI or ML’s potential to hard-wire or amplify discrimination, exclude minorities or just be rolled out without appropriate safeguards — so we know we should approach these tools with caution.

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