DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: How Big Data is shaping our daily lives through social media.

Ever thought of how big data would change or shape our daily lives? Well, social media analytics is one of the most direct examples. With the rise of technology that powers intelligent homes and with devices that collect data becoming smaller and more efficient, it is only a matter of time that we’d see a shift in our perception of the world. And it’s all thanks to the proper collection, easy presentation and ultimately the right analysis of the data that social media platforms present us with. READ MORE »

2. 500 million LinkedIn users data scrapped and being sold online

Data privacy and leakage is not a new thing in this digatal era. Well, after the Facebook data breach saga, the most popular professional social media platform has been reported to experienced data leakage of half a billion of its users. According to cyber news, an individual selling the data on a hacker forum claims it was scraped from 500 million LinkedIn profiles. READ MORE »






3. Facebook fails to notify users affected by the 2019 data leak

Facebook, has been under scrutiny over how it handles user privacy for long. According to the Facebook spokesman, the social media company is not confident if it had full visibility on which users would need to be notified. He said it also took into account that users could not fix the issue and that the data was publicly available in deciding not to notify users. Facebook has said it plugged the hole after identifying the problem at the time.
The scraped information did not include financial information, health information or passwords, Facebook said. However, the collated data could provide valuable information for hacks or other abuses. READ MORE »

4. Safaricom launched the first 5G network service in East Africa.

Safaricom becomes the first operator to offer commercial and superfast 5G network services in East Africa.

Safaricom plans to partner with the government and corporates in revving up its newly launched 5G mobile Internet services. To deepen innovation in the health and agriculture sectors. This will be a success through value addition in other sectors and platforms. READ MORE »

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