How Nigeria’s pioneer status will impact tech sector

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: One on One with Sendy Ltd: Using Technology to bring efficiency in business

The co-founder of Flutterwave, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji talks of building a technology that could bring transformation Nigeria.

2. One on One with Sendy Ltd: Using Technology to bring efficiency in business

Innovations in technology have improved operations at companies of all sizes. ITBusinessDirect spoke with Sendy Ltd, a tech platform in Kenya that connects businesses to Drivers to make delivery simple and transparent, on the tech ecosystem in Kenya.

3. How can Mobile technology help in humanitarian emergencies?

Technology – particularly mobile technology– has dramatically changed the landscape  of the world we live in. However, the full potential of mobile technology working as transformative tools in emergency response has not yet been realised.

4. The Tech Continent: A day in the digital life of Africa

Africa is in the throes of a technological revolution, leapfrogging computers in favour of internet connections through mobile phones. But how are phones and the internet changing the lives of ordinary Africans?

5. Taking the pulse of the natural world

The rise of the Internet of Things offers humanity the opportunity to truly advance their efforts in preserving and saving the environment in more innovative and relevant ways.

6. Nairobi rank highly for support of female entrepreneurs

Johannesburg and Nairobi have been named among the 50 best cities in the world when it comes to supporting female entrepreneurs by tech firm Dell.READ ON>>

7. Five new threats to your mobile device security

A decade ago, mobile malware was considered a new and unlikely threat. Many mobile device users even considered themselves immune from such threats.Today, mobile devices are coming under increasing attack – and no one is immune.

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