DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Data-stealing spyware traced to Lebanon

1. Data-stealing spyware traced to Lebanon

A security bug that has infected thousands of smartphones has been uncovered by campaign group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Working with mobile security firm Lookout, researchers discovered that malware in fake messaging designed to look like WhatsApp and Signal had stolen gigabytes of data.Data was traced back to a server in a building belonging to the Lebanese General Security Directorate in Beirut, according to researchers.

2. Burger King Whooper Ad hilariously explains Net Neutrality

Burger King — a fast-food chain that sells cheap beef — released an ad  explaining the concept of net neutrality with a stunt that showed what it would be like to have paid prioritization in a burger joint. In the ad, actors playing Burger King employees taunt “actual guests” by making them wait for absurd amounts of time to receive their food — unless they pay huge tolls to get it quickly.


3. “2018, The Year of Powering Innovation.”

The year 2017 proved to be a great year for us and 2018 gives the excitement and ray of hope for a prosperous year full of opportunities. 2018 appears to be moving towards the expansion of opportunities in the IoT sector with he best indication going to the disruptive mobile app economy and with our our Miss.Africa initiative seed fund through our DCA academy programme, which is interested in the STEM, and internet technologies adoption will play a part in enhancing their impact and scalability.

4. Intel tells users to stop installing chip patches

Software patches issued to fix serious security flaws on Intel chips should no longer be applied, the company has said.The patches tried to tackle flaws called Meltdown and Spectre that, if exploited, could expose important data.Many reported that their machines slowed down or stopped working when they applied Intel’s updates.

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