DotAfrica Issues

-ICANN Board Recommendation to AUC prejudicial to DotConnectAfrica’s .africa application!
– ICANN response to the African Union on Reserved Names for .africa
DCA challenges Africa Union on full disclosure over (dot)Africa gTLD matters
– Pride goes before a fail:African Union & UNIFORUM SA should beware of Wrongdoing over DotAfrica
Internet war: Scramble for .africa domain
– 2012-The year of the new gTLD(CirlceId Part 1 & 2)
– DCA’s Resolution for 2012: Message from Our Director
-Only a month left to Join Yes to dotafrica campaign
Say “NO” to the African Union  RFP for the Operation of DotAfrica (30/IED/11)
-DCA opposes inclusion of “.africa” gTLD strings in list of reserved names
-“DCA REJOINDER:There was no unanimity to give special legislative protection to benefit the AU,
-DCA at ICANN-42 Dakar Public Forum: DCA’s Executive Briefing Note with ICANN Leadership
DCA Commentary: DCA Statement at the AfriICANN Meeting on .africa at Dakar
-DCA Exclusive Commentary: DCA Official Response to the Dakar African Ministerial Table
Say “NO” to the Masquerade ‘African Agenda’ for Dakar and the Illegal Cabal Supporting It!
You Asked, We Clarified: The Justification for our NO Campaign
Say NO to DotAfrica CABAL (Whither DotAfrica amidst Confusion, Promiscuity and…)
Say NO to African Registry Consortium  (ARC)
Our Score Card- Regarding our NO Campaign
Beware: DotAfrica has been hi-jacked by new gTLD cuckoos
DCA REJOINDER:Misleading and Unfair reportage on dotafrica – The Daily Champion Newspaper
The Daily Champion: AFTLD, DCA battle for the Soul of DotAfrica
The Daily Champion: Ministers seek framework for DotAfrica Project
DCA REJOINDER:African Union requests proposals domain registry
-ComputerWorld Kenya: African Union requests proposals for .africa domain registry
-DCA Response to AU TaskForce/Infrastructure & Energy “Briefing Note on .africa”
-Yes2DotAfrica Say “No” to African Union Expression of Interest (EOI) for DotAfrica
DCA Commentary: Response to the African Union Commission Communiqué (Clarification on DotAfrica)
Yes2dotAfrica Campaign successful at ICANN 40 in San Francisco, CA
-The Daily Champion: AFTLD, DCA battle for the Soul of DotAfrica
The Daily Champion: Ministers seek framework for DotAfrica Project
-ComputerWorld Kenya: African Union requests proposals for .africa domain registry
-DCA Response to AU TaskForce/Infrastructure & Energy “Briefing Note on .africa”
-African Union Wants Open Selection For .AFRICA Registry
Yes2DotAfrica Say “No” to African Union Expression of Interest (EOI) for DotAfrica
-African Union Yanks .Africa Bid Support – Seeks Registries
DCA Commentary: Response to the African Union Commission Communiqué
Say “NO” to Nii Quaynor, Vice Chair of African Union “.africa” Taskforce
-“Corruption” claims as .africa fight heats up.
.AFRICA gTLD Management Competition Heats Up
DCA to Challenge AFTLD on DotAfrica Domain
-New Company joins competition to host prestigious .africa domain — The East African
-DCA Rejoinder: AfTLD seeks mandate to manage .africa
-ComputerWorld Kenya: AfTLD seeks mandate to manage .africa
-Yes2dotAfrica Campaign Successful at ICANN 40, SanFrancisco, CA
-Vote ‘NO” on AfTLD to manage the .africa TLD
-Competition for .africa heats up
-DotAfrica project alleges Sabotage from AU
-DCA Rejoinder: African Union and the .Africa debate
-ComputerWorld Kenya: African Union Joins the .Africa debate
-Vote “NO” to Candidate Pierre Dandjinou for ICANN Board
-Dispute over .africa domain