Governance Advocacy

This page collects our work and media commentaries as regards to internet governance that includes ICANN and  IANA Transition:

Official Public Comments: IANA  Transition

  • April 2015 : Comments by The Internet Business Council for Africa (IBCA) to the NETmundial Initiative (NMI). Read more
  • September 2015: DotConnectAfrica Trust Comments to IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal Read
  • June 2015: DotConnectAfrica Trust Comments to Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) on Proposed Accountability Enhancements (Work Stream 1) Read

Engagement with US Congress

Year 2016

  • March 24, 2016: Important update and Submission for the record to US Congress on the DCA Trust vs. ICANN Court case on .Africa New gTLD & ICANN’s Final Transmission of the IANA Transition to US Government Read

Year 2015

  • August 18, 2015: Update on DCA Trust vs. ICANN IRP on .Africa new gTLD following the July 9, 2015 Final IRP Panel Ruling Read
  • May 19, 2015: DotConnectAfrica Trust Joins the Launch of the CBC TECH 2020 Initiative, Holds Meetings on DCA Trust’s Congressional Engagement Read
  • May 15, 2015: Sophia Bekele Testimony to US congress on Stakeholder Perspectives on the IANA Transition Read
  • March 13, 2015: Submission of Public Commentary: “No Legal Basis for IANA Transition”-A Post-Mortem Analysis of Senate Committee Hearing on ‘Preserving the Stakeholder Model of Internet Governance’ Read
  • March 10, 2015: Note of Appreciation and Call for the Establishment of a New Body– ‘The United States Internet Regulatory Authority (USIRA)’ that will work in cooperation with the NTIA to exercise supervisory control over ICANN Read

Year 2014

  • March 28, 2014: DCA Trust Statement of Interest on whether the Department of Commerce should relinquish direct oversight of ICANN with Annexes Read
  • August 13, 2014: DotConnectAfrica letter to US Senators Thank You Note for your Intervention on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Read
  • September 6 2014: The Internet Business Council for Africa (IBCA) opposes the proposed rules on Net Neutrality by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Read more
  • December 1 2014 : Internet Business Council for Africa (IBCA) comments on GAC Proposal for Protection of Geographic Names in New gTLDs. Read more

Year 2013

  • July 1, 2013: Followup letter to US Senator Rockefeller from DotConnectAfrica on Recommendation for Direct Congressional Oversight and Appointment of an Independent Counsel as Congressional new gTLD Ombudsman Read
  • May 30, 2013:DCA Update: Status of our new gTLD Application & Current Engagements with the U.S.Congress Read
  • February 20, 2013: New generic Top-Level Domain Program (gTLD) for Global Internet Expansion-Need for Direct Congressional Oversight & Recommendation for the Appointment of an Independent Counsel as Congressional new gTLD Ombudsman to Investigate & Report to Congress on Matters of Illegality and Irregularities in new gTLD Program of ICANN Read and Here

Year 2012

  • June 4, 2012: Open Letter to Express Support in Defense of the Status Quo on Global Internet Governance Model and Reaffirmation of the Multistakeholder Process Read

Year 2011

  • January 18, 2011: Open Letter for NITA: A preliminary case for an urgent need for .africa gTLD Read

Year 2010

  • October 10, 2010: DCA Goes To Washington as African Business Champion delegation to annual CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS  Read

Media op-Eds

We can be reached for comment at support(at)