DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Africa’s mobile banking will be redefined by social media

Although a large proportion of the continent’s population remains unbanked, the explosion of the digital banking phenomenon due to emergence and ubiquity of mobile technology has, and continues to make immense contributions in bridging this gap. READ More>>

2. Report: African mobile users pay 3 times more for data and voice

The recurring theme of mobile internet prices is that while they are dropping globally, they are not dropping fast enough in Africa. The resulting reality is internet users across the continent pay the highest prices for mobile data relative to average monthly income. A similar theme exists for voice packages too as an International Telecommunication Union report shows Africans also pay the highest prices for mobile voice calls. READ More>>


3. Digital skills and the future of work in Africa

To close the gap between sub-Saharan Africa and other regions of the world, and indeed between sub-Saharan countries themselves, the report argues that higher access to internet and electricity is needed. More specifically, the authors emphasize the need for broadband internet access as integral for the functionality of businesses because it decreases transaction costs. At the same time, improved internet access increases the demand for skilled workers. READ More>>


4. Poor privacy practices raise data breach chances by 80%

There’s a direct correlation between a company’s poor privacy practices and the likelihood of a data breach, according to a report from the data privacy platform Osano, The Osano Data Privacy and Data Breach Link. The report dubs it a “predictive relationship” tying together responsible privacy practices and security outcomes. Businesses with poor privacy practices are 80% more apt to experience a data breach. READ More>>

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