DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: African technology company hoping to power Space.

Mr Lun, who plans to power Space Mission and his Cape Town-based company Hypernova Space Technologies want to give these tumbling satellites a little more autonomy.

The company has developed an engine system that can move even the smallest satellites. The company hopes its technology can be applied to nanosatellite, which is a small satellite weighing less than 10 kg, and even the smallest of all of them. READ HERE »

2. Liquid Intelligent Technologies joins hands with Africa Legal in an ed-tech partnership to drive professional growth in Africa through Liquid Labs

Leading pan-African technology group Liquid Intelligent Technologies, through its innovation and partnerships arm Liquid Labs, is launching three online courses on legal technology, targeted at supporting career development amongst students, budding entrepreneurs, and lawyers. This has been possible through a partnership with Africa Legal, an organisation that connects legal professionals across the African continent. READ MORE »

3. Fempower SEED Fund Impact Program calls for applications.

Led by the DCA Academy, Fempower has announced its annual Seed Fund program in Africa today. They are looking to provide grants to support women and girls in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields to launch or expand their own initiatives that will increase their digital opportunities in IoTs, Mobile Internet, E-Commerce, Digital Marketing and leadership roles.

Any initiative supporting women and girls to bridge gender inequality in STEM fields across Africa is encouraged to apply. READ MORE »




4. Apple’s app tracking policy reportedly cost social media platforms nearly $10 billion.

An investigation by The Financial Times found that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube lost around $9.85 billion in revenue following Apple’s changes to its privacy practices. Last year, Apple announced the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy that requires apps to ask permission to track users’ data. The policy went into effect in April, barring apps from tracking users if they opt out.

Facebook notably criticized the move with a full-page newspaper ad, and thanks to the FT’s report, now we know why company leaders were so frustrated. According to the report, Facebook lost the most money “in absolute terms” when compared to other social platforms due to its massive size. Meanwhile, Snap “fared the worst as a percentage of its business” because its advertising is mainly tied to smartphones, which makes sense for a product that doesn’t have a desktop version. READ MORE »




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