DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Nigerian Start up innovates Recycling; Q&A with Bilikiss Abiola, Founder WeCyclers

The Nigerian tech startup space is developing at speed, and stands a good chance of being the Africa’s leader.  Wecyclers are powering social change using the environment by allowing people in low-income communities in Nigeria to capture value from their waste.

2. Understanding Rwanda’s ICT development

Rwanda continues to be one of the fastest growing African countries in ICT and there are several avenues for growth for the ICT sector from e-commerce and e-services, mobile technologies and applications development.





3. Women influencing tech in Ghana

In an industry where men outnumber women, the tech scene in Ghana has seen some tremendous growth over the years. From software development, engineering to leadership roles with top global I.T giants, these women are blazing the trail for women in this space here in Ghana.



4. Lowering smartphone costs could drive next African smartphone boom

For many years, African countries served as the growth engine for the global smartphone market. Recent times, however, tell a different story.





5. Cyber crime finds a way despite dark web shutdowns

It is never really the technology that lets these operators down. Its the practices that go around, such as emails, payments, shipping, that tends to be the undoing.





6. Could you live without the internet?

Given the amount of time we spend on our smartphones, tablets and computers, an unconnected world would be anathema to many of us.



7. Digital trust: what’s it really worth?

Digital trust may appear to be a fairly meaningless buzzword, but in fact digital trust may prove to be the currency of the future, and failing to safeguard it could be a costly mistake.

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