DCA Digital Digest More Password Stealing Android Apps With More Than 1

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Android malware beats Google, returns to Play Store with just a name change

1. Android malware beats Google, returns to Play Store with just a name change

Google has recently acted tough to rid its app store of malware, however it’s apparent there’s still some work to do. Symantec recently discovered seven previously removed rogue apps that resurfaced on Google Play simply by using a new publisher and new app names.

2. Sophia Bekele on Big Data, TeenPreneurs, IoTs & Tech-Innovation at UN CSTD 2018, Geneva

On May 15, 2018, Sophia Bekele Founder & CEO of DotConnectAfrica Group alongside other distinguished speakers sat in a high level panel at the twenty-first session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) that took place from Monday, 14 May to Friday, 18 May 2018 at the United Nations HQ, Palais des Nations, Geneva.






3. East Africa broadband connections to hit 186 million by 2022

Mobile data will be the key growth driver for the East African telecoms market in the next five years to 2022, data research company OVUM has said in its latest forecast.The forecast for mobile broadband in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda is 112 million subscriptions at end of 2022, while the forecast for mobile broadband in all nine East Africa countries at the end of 2022 is 186 million subscriptions.



4. Why adoption of blockchain is long overdue in Kenya

Blockchain could present new ways to help overcome challenges, which continue to stymy the county’s growth. Corruption and fraud are classic problems yet people are still looking at them through the lens of how we have always tried to solve them in the past. Blockchain offers a new approach to combatting corruption because of its ability to create and store encrypted records that can be verified, but not altered or deleted.

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