
DCA Digital Digest: Fake News, Loss of Privacy are Hurting the Internet, Mozilla says

1. Fake News, Loss of Privacy are Hurting the Internet, Mozilla says

The Internet has a case of the sniffles, with several symptoms keeping it from being as robust as it could be, according to a new Internet Health Report from Mozilla.Major challenges facing the Internet include a collapse of privacy protections, the unabated spread of fake news, and the consolidation of power at giant tech companies, said Mozilla, the nonprofit creator of the Firefox browser and other open-source software.

2. Cost of Cyber crime in Africa in 2017 estimated at $3.5 Billion

The Cost of Cyber crime in Africa in 2017 was estimated at $3.5 Billion, a rise from 2016, where African countries were estimated to lose at least $2 billion in cyber attacks.





3. Africa trailing on digital transformation

Africa needs to do much more to exploit its potential in the fourth industrial revolution say business leaders.In an evaluation of the continent’s ability to respond adequately to digital challenges and opportunities, Edward Agostinho, Consulting Systems Engineer in IOT and Digitalisation at Cisco said Africa is still lagging behind.



4. Mobile ecosystem to power West African growth

The mobile industry in West Africa is forecast to contribute more than $50-billion annually to the region’s economy by 2022, according to a new GSMA study published at the Mobile 360 – West Africa’ event in Côte d’Ivoire.

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