DCA DIGITAL DIGEST: Check Point’s Latest Cyber-Attack Index Includes Five Countries In Africa

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Africa’s internet economy needs more data servers on the continent

A recent report by Internet Society says a focus on building the internet sector in Africa is critical for development, but will have an ultimately limited impact on the size of the economy. They argue, however, that improved efficiencies from an internet-enabled economy can be significant. Research by McKinsey estimates that the internet can deliver productivity gains in Africa in the education, healthcare, financial services, agriculture, retail and government sectors, valued between $148 billion to $318 billion by 2025.

2. Over a billion Africans to be connected online by 2020

Africa currently has 419 million people connected to the internet via mobile broadband. This number is estimated to hit 1.07 billion by the end of 2020.

3. InfoTrade in Kenya Web Portal Officially Launched to Ensure Cross Border Trade Efficiency

Traders in Kenya stand to benefit from increased efficiency following launch of InfoTradeKenya.go.ke which has consolidated more than 120 documents and procedures required for import and export business in Kenya on one online platform.

4. Leveraging Innovative Solutions For Bridging The Digital Divide

Mobile telephony is changing Africa, for the better. Once called the Dark Continent, the mobile phone revolution has lightened up the possibilities of economic prosperity in Africa. According to GSMA Mobile Economy Africa Report 2016, in 2015 mobile technologies and services generated 6.7% of GDP, or $150 billion, in Africa and this is further likely to increase to 7.6%, or $210 billion, by 2020 as mobile services increase productivity.

5. Secure, trusted internet critical to advancing African economy

“The Internet economy presents a major opportunity for Africa. However, Africa needs a secure and reliable Internet infrastructure that users trust in order to bringing large and small businesses online, along with governments and other social services,” explains Dawit Bekele, Africa Region Bureau Director for the Internet Society.

6. IoT devices evolve but still prove vulnerable

IoT devices are basically devices with network connectivity – equipped with embedded technology that allows them to interact with each other or the external environment. Because of the large number and variety of devices available, the IoT has become an attractive target for cyber-criminals.

7. “I can now operate a computer, I can code and use Microsoft excel for calculation “- Bala Comfort

It is very good for a woman to engage in technology because through the use of computers, we can be more aware of our surrounding and be a better part of it. We can also make active contributions and changes in our immediate environment and the world at large. I think more opportunities should be created for women so they can perform better.

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