driving traffic and enhancing business value for the telco sector

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: IoT – driving traffic and enhancing business value for the telco sector

IoT – driving traffic and enhancing business value for the telco sector

Many Telcos will need to invest in resilient and highly available IoT-only networks, or IoT First networks, which gives priority to IoT data, in order to be able to offer mission-critical IoT services. Additional requirements such as ongoing monitoring and maintenance are also key areas that Telcos need to address to offer effective IoT solutions to the market.

2. HD streaming surges to 38% of mobile video traffic

Analysis of live operator data conducted by Openwave Mobility, the market leader in mobile data traffic management solutions, has found that 38 percent of all mobile video traffic globally is now High Definition (HD) – far beyond what mobile operators had predicted.

3. Nigeria to spend N25.5b on hi-tech surveillance equipment

President Muhammadu Buhari has proposed to spend N25.5 billion on hi-tech gadgets to achieve surveillance activities across Nigeria next year, according to the details of the 2018 Appropriation Bill he transmitted to parliament.

4. GPS Tracking and Location Sharing: Risks and Benefits for Your Business

From the business perspective, GPS tracking includes the ability to tailor content and promotional messages to users in particular locations. It also allows in conducting accurate financial transactions and provides a greater assurance of detecting fraud.

5. Challenging Times Ahead for Satellite Operators in Africa

Before the current spread of fibre across Africa to almost all capitals except Asmara and Conakry, satellite was the only way to distribute bandwidth. Now there is widespread fibre to and within urban areas (which make up 80-90% of current demand in most African countries), the satellite companies have seen the tide go out on their former markets.

6. My digital skills have been greatly enhanced thanks to the Miss.Africa Sponsored, AboCoders Training-Khadijat

In the next five years, I see a lot of women in technology in Africa and making life easier for people. They can trade using the Internet and reduce stress. I will love to design a website where housewives in Minna can buy all they need from the internet without having to move physically.

7. How Digital Technology Can Help Reinvent Basic Education in Africa

The quality of education in Africa remains a significant issue, but there’s a possibility the technology could be part of the solution. The digital revolution currently under way in the region has led to a boom in trials using information and communication technology (ICT) in education, both in and out of the classroom.

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