
ICANN38:Brussels 20-25 June 2010

Brussles ICANN 38: Brussels, the capital of the European Union (EU), a 27 member organization along with dotEU will host the 38th meeting of ICANN, the California based nonprofit, which oversees the fate of the new Generic top-level-domains (gTLDs) such… Continue Reading…


DotConnectAfrica registered a maximum success in East Africa as the voice was echoed globally

DotConnectAfrica had been given various opportunities to participate in forums in many regional conferences based in Nairobi. AITEC Africa’s conference on Mobile Banking COMESA who was host to DCA reported DCA’s presentation of ‘.africa’ to be equivalent to Nakamura’s vision… Continue Reading…


DCA’s governance model for domain name “.Africa” a shared vision at ICANN Nairobi

In the ICANN Nairobi conference held between 7 -12 March 2010, the African ICANN Community shared the same vision for the governance model as DotConnectAfrica (DCA), on how the “.africa” domain is to be managed. The CEO of ICANN Rod… Continue Reading…

african union internet generation


African Union endorses the domain name “.Africa” to DotConnectAfrica Organization

The current endorsement by African Heads of State and Government built upon the 2-5 November 2009 Ministerial Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa, where the Council of African Internet Communication Technology (ICT) Ministers gathered, discussed and acknowledged the benefit of… Continue Reading…


ICANN 40 San Francisco : 13-18 March 2011

Silicon Valley is in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California in the United States. The region is home tomany of the world’s largest technology companies including Apple, Cisco, Google, HP, Intel and Oracle. “Perhaps… Continue Reading…


African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government gave endorsement for domain name “.Africa”

The 14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union Heads of State & Government that took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25 Jan to 2 Feb 2010, under the theme Information Communications Technology (ICT) gave endorsement to the “.Africa” domain name.… Continue Reading…


A domain name “.Africa” to position the continent on the Web Industry

The DotConnectAfrica Organization based in Africa is applying for the delegation of Africa’s identifier top level domain “.africa” from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) and make it available to the Pan African Community Africa’s map in… Continue Reading…


DotAfrica – Branding African Unity – A common Vision

DotAfrica – Branding African Unity – A common Vision


22 June 2008 – Paris ICANN: DotAfrica Initiative announced at ICANN Paris meeting!

Ms. Sophia Bekele, the Executive Director of dotafrica was present in ICANN PARIS on behalf of the DotAfrica project that the DotConnectAfrica organization has been leading. She presented at the public forum the status of the project’s progress to the… Continue Reading…


Sophia Bekele making a case for .africa, to the ICANN Board at the public forum in Cartegena Colombia.

At the public forum held on new gTLDs, 8 December 2010, DotConnectAfrica made the following statement to the Board of ICANN and the participating public. Given that the public forum is limited two minutes, DCA has submitted to ICANN for… Continue Reading…

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