DCA Digital Digest: Automation on the back of digitalisation is this year’s biggest trend

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Automation on the back of digitalisation is this year’s biggest trend

1. Automation on the back of digitalisation is this year’s biggest trend

The biggest trend in enterprise software in 2018 is automation, due to digitalisation, and it’s causing some difficulty for enterprises that haven’t perceived of a world where software, not employees, is the new customer interface.

2It’s time to rethink the startup accelerator model for Africa

African startup founders at the World Bank’s XL Africa program said many see regional and corporate accelerators as just offering “superficial access to mentorship and investor networks, resulting in few startups landing investments and disenchanted investors.”




3. Africa Rising: How Geospatial Data Analytics is transforming Governance on the Continent

Data has officially overtaken crude oil as the most valuable resource in the world.Insights gained from data analysis are increasingly used to guide better decision-making for governments and businesses. In Africa, the potential of data to improve governance is just beginning to make itself felt.



4.The world’s first blockchain-powered elections just happened in Sierra Leone

On Mar. 7, elections in Sierra Leone marked a global landmark: the world’s first ever blockchain-powered presidential elections.In Sierra Leone’s Western District, the most populous in the country, votes cast were manually recorded by Agora, a Swiss foundation offering digital voting solutions, using a permissioned blockchain.




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