DCA Digital Digest: Europe shows how Africa’s tech hubs can thrive

DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Europe shows how Africa’s tech hubs can thrive

Cities in Europe have woken up to emulate the success in Silicon Valley. The story of European start-ups is the same across capitals. New venture capitalists are emerging to support the growing appetite for entrepreneurship and they are succeeding.

2. Uganda teachers set out to improve learning through technology

In Uganda, teachers are on a mission to change the face of learning. Teacher, Mbanda Shyaka, is determined to improve the public -schools experience for children through educational tablets. Although the curriculum for such primary schools does not include information technology, that gap could now be closing.


3. Digital Transformation in Africa: Potential or Rhetoric?

The buzz around Digital Transformation has never been greater. Fact is, the talk in boardrooms across the continent is increasingly focused around better using technology to improve and grow business and economies. But how much of it is just rhetoric and first-stage commitment?




4. Kenya To Shift To Smart Driving Licenses

The tech-based driving license will be fitted with an electronic chip similar to SIM cards that will contain vital details of the driver’s identity and records that can easily be retrieved electronically for reference.



5. Internet of Things Africa and Smart Solutions: Panel Discussion

The internet of things (IoT) revolution hasn’t gone unnoticed by Africa’s rising technology mavens. Ever-increasing coverage by mobile networks, cheaper hardware and improving connectivity are providing the opportunities to create solutions that will improve lives.



6. Cable TV Gets Cut Off In Zimbabwe

Steward Bank has suspended payments to the pay-TV subsidiary of SA’s Naspers, citing unavailability of foreign currency, in a sign that dollar shortages are worsening in the southern African nation.

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