
UK Media Upper Reach, covers DotConnectAfrica in ICT Kenya!

On a Country report covered by Upper Reach, http://www.upper-reach.com/about, a media Partner to the prestigious The Times of London, DotConnectAfrica and its work on “.africa” was covered as one of the companies highlighting the importance of the internet in Africa… Continue Reading…


Exclusive Commentary from DCA: AfTLD seeks mandate to manage .africa

Our attention has been drawn to a recent article in ComputerWorld Kenya (online) “Re: AfTLD seeks mandate to manage .africa” by staff writer Ms Rebecca Wanjiku on 21.03.2011 which Dot Connect Africa (DCA) is now compelled to address two statements… Continue Reading…


Nation TV speaks with Sophia Bekele on uniting Africa’s Internet presence and more

Nairobi, Kenya: Wallace Kantai, Business Editor of NTV, the premier media House of East Africa, who hosts the much followed midday business section PM Live Channel caught up with Sophia Bekele, Executive Director of DotConnectAfrica when she was in Nairobi… Continue Reading…


DotConnectAfrica registered a maximum success in East Africa as the voice was echoed globally

DotConnectAfrica had been given various opportunities to participate in forums in many regional conferences based in Nairobi. AITEC Africa’s conference on Mobile Banking COMESA who was host to DCA reported DCA’s presentation of ‘.africa’ to be equivalent to Nakamura’s vision… Continue Reading…


DCA’s governance model for domain name “.Africa” a shared vision at ICANN Nairobi

In the ICANN Nairobi conference held between 7 -12 March 2010, the African ICANN Community shared the same vision for the governance model as DotConnectAfrica (DCA), on how the “.africa” domain is to be managed. The CEO of ICANN Rod… Continue Reading…

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