
Season’s Greetings SEASONSGREETINGS 2011 End of Year Message at Christmas-from the Yes2DotAfrica Campaign!

As Executive Director of DotConnectAfrica (DCA) and spearhead of the Yes2DotAfrica Campaign, it gives me great pleasure to send this end of year message at Christmas to our entire Pan-African constituency and global community of global supporters and well-wishers all… Continue Reading…


The Leopard Cannot Change its Spots: the resuscitation of moribund

Whilst all interested watchers were busy narrowing down the competition for the mandate for DotAfrica to DotConnecAfrica (DCA) and African Top Level Domains (AfTLD) organization, a new entrant recently emerged in the form of the African Registry Consortium (ARC) –… Continue Reading…


Say “No” to Nii Quaynor, Vice Chair of African Union “.africa” Taskforce

Exposing the Activities of the ‘Real’ Dr. Nii Quaynor – Vice Chair of AU Taskforce and His Unwholesome Activities regarding DotAfrica Preamble The DotConnectAfrica Organization (‘DCA’) has reached the unshakable conclusion that Dr. Nii Quaynor has proved to be an… Continue Reading…

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