

Watch: Must See Video on Exclusive Conversation on Governance and Human Rights in Africa in the Era of COVID-19

We hope this message finds you well and healthy!

DCA virtual WebForum invites you to a full video and audio recording of our exclusive and insightful Executive Roundtable conversation on the topic of “Governance and Human Rights in the Era of COVID-19”. This is the 4th Crisis Management Conversation Series of the DCA WebForum under our #YouSayYourPart campaign.

The virtual meeting dialog consisted of prominent lawyers, media personalities, human rights activists, and experts of experts on the impact of Global Governance and Human Rights in the era of Covid-19, including its impact on economic activities.

It is hosted and co-moderated by our own Sophia Bekele, Founder and CEO of DCA Group from the USA and the eminent human right Expert Dr. Chaloka Beyani, Professor of International Law at London Sch. of Economics and Human Rights Expert from London.

The following topics were addressed during the session: Creation of new policies that are overbroad in reaction to the COVID-19 Pandemic that might harm the pledge to respect human rights; Ensuring the continued Equal treatment and non-discrimination, Right to health; Promoting the Right to information; Enhancing the Protection of privacy in the age of use of contact tracing tools using AI, ML among other tools; Gender considerations, especially how Women and Girls bear the biggest weight in managing the pandemic; Way forward, practical measures, and using Covid-19 as an accelerant to positive change.

The full WebForum video and audio is available below.


Due to the conversation format in these Roundtables, space is limited to registered audiences only. Our past forums are found here

As always, we value your feedback. Please contact our team at WebForum feedback.

Kind regards,
DCA Events

The DCA WebForum is Sponsored by the DCA Digital Academy

This WebForum is part of a series of sectorial webforums

“Crisis Management Conversation – #YourSayYourPart” devoted to our communities we serve in Africa.


DCA WebForums are intended as a meeting and networking opportunities for executives and business leaders. It is also intended to serve as a platform for critical learning for our community, where ideas, viewpoints and conversations have a space to flourish.

For more information on programs and partnership of our WebForums, do not hesitate to contact us at

Archive links:–Must-See-Video-on-Exclusive-Conversation-on-Governance-and-Human-Rights-in-Africa-in-the-Era-of-COVID-19.html?soid=1102516344150&aid=Z5T3emZ0LuI

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