DCA Digital Digest

DCA Digital Digest: Happy Africa Day

Africa day is celebrated annually on May 25th. It commemorates the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), currently known as the African Union on this day in 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The African Union continues to play an important role in economic, governance, and security priorities in Africa.

On this special day, the continent celebrates African Unity and the attainment of independence, freedom, and liberation from the yoke of colonial powers.

This year’s theme is built around the African Union theme of the year: “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the #AfricaWeWant.” 

While political freedom has been achieved in some countries the continent still faces some challenges which require concerted effort, and sustainable approaches. This day gives us a chance to reflect on the progress we have made and the challenges we face as a continent.

At DotconnectAfrica Group we celebrate and acknowledge African solidarity and unity in diversity. Our objective is to advance education in the digital economy in the African society and benefit the general African public access to Internet resources including assisting our stakeholders with their digital transformation and branding Africa on the Internet.



These men and women were willing to put everything on the line to face the unknown and articulate change in Africa… READ MORE »

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