
Say “No” to Nii Quaynor, Vice Chair of African Union “.africa” Taskforce

Exposing the Activities of the ‘Real’ Dr. Nii Quaynor – Vice Chair of AU Taskforce and His Unwholesome Activities regarding DotAfrica Preamble The DotConnectAfrica Organization (‘DCA’) has reached the unshakable conclusion that Dr. Nii Quaynor has proved to be an… Continue Reading…


DCA’s Exclusive Commentary to the AfTLD PR following the Ghana Meeting

A Chameleonic exercise of shifting faces from a previously seeking an AU mandate to now of seeking an AU endorsement. The DotConnectAfrica Organization (‘DCA’) feels compelled to respond to the recent press release by AfTLD following their Ghana meeting because… Continue Reading…


Generation.africa hailed “Yes2dotAfrica” at DCA’s Headquarters in Mauritius

DCA’s Yes2dotAfrica Campaign continued and spent a week in Mauritius campaigning for the dotAfrica TLD,after a stop over in Nairobi, its East African base. The benefits to Mauritians including stakeholders government, private sector and various universities was explained. Bekele who… Continue Reading…


KASS International Media broadcasts “Yes2dotAfrica” campaign. “Pregnant with .africa”, said Sophia

In a Q & A with June Chepkemei, a seasoned Business Journalist at the studios of KASS FM Radio in Hurlingham Nairobi Kenya, Sophia discusses the immediate need to utilize the international undersea fiber optic cables, and what governments have… Continue Reading…



Njeri Rionge is CEO and Founder, Ignite Consulting & Investment Limited, and Director and Co-founder, Wananchi Online Limited (www.wananchi.com), a leading IP communications solutions provider. A highly successful senior executive with extensive local and international experience in strategic leadership and… Continue Reading…


ICANN 41-Singapore:19-24 June 2011

Singapore, a high-tech and wealthy island with over 60 surrounding islets along with The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) ,a statutory board of the Singapore government established on 1 December 1999 that aims to grow Singapore into a dynamic… Continue Reading…


UK Media Upper Reach, covers DotConnectAfrica in ICT Kenya!

On a Country report covered by Upper Reach, http://www.upper-reach.com/about, a media Partner to the prestigious The Times of London, DotConnectAfrica and its work on “.africa” was covered as one of the companies highlighting the importance of the internet in Africa… Continue Reading…


DotConnectAfrica’s Comments on IANA Functions

NTIA has published the comments it has received for Request for Comments on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions Docket # 110207099-1099-01 Comment link can be found here:http://www.ntia.doc.gov/comments/110207099-1099-01/ DotConnectAfrica has provided its comments to the same, as below: Dear… Continue Reading…


Africa’s Leadership say Efficient Private Sector Key to Transforming African Economy

The Vanguard newspaper from Lagos reported on a recent AU/UNECA conference with the theme – “Governing Development in Africa” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is noteworthy that the governance model of DCA is a consortium of public-private partnership and an… Continue Reading…


DotAfrica was at the Munich Conference on New Top-Level Domains 26-27 September

The Munich Conference on new Top Level Domain Names is to be held in September from 26-27 ,2011 in Munich Germany and is expected to provide a great platform for new Top-Level-Domain applicants to make use of excellent networking opportunities,… Continue Reading…


Sophia Bekele speaks on zemez as a Human Right at the Golden Gate University 24th March,2011

Golden Gate University(GGU) has invited Sophia Bekele to discuss the very timely topic of Freedom of Information as a Human Right, as she shares her own experience while present at the North African region of Tunis, Tripoli and Cairo during… Continue Reading…

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